Lawn Maintenance Schedule

Applications: None Needed
Irrigation: 1 time per week for 10-15 minutes is recommended. Turf should be kept moist.

Applications: Apply a pre-emergent. Follow label instructions and apply at recommended rate.
Irrigation: 1 time per week for 10-15 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Sport spray weeds as needed. Apply fungicide in wet and shady areas for St. Augustine.
Irrigation: 2 times per week for 10-15 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Apply 15-0-15 fertilizer once you mow the lawn one time. Follow instructions on label. Consider applying grub control later in the month. Follow instructions on label.
Mowing: Begin mowing weekly at a height of 2 inches
Irrigation: 2 times per week for 15-20 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Apply grub control
Irrigation: 2 times per week for 15-20 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Apply a pre-emergent. Apply at recommended rates on label. Re-apply 15-0-15 fertilizer at approximately 7 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft.
*example – An 8,000 sq. ft. lawn should get approximately 56 lbs of 15-0-15
Irrigation: 3 times per week for 20 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Apply Insecticide
Irrigation: 3 times per week for 20 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Apply 5-0-20 fertilizer at 6 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft.
Irrigation: 3 times per week for 20 minutes is recommended.

Applications: None Needed
Irrigation: 3 times per week for 20 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Apply pre-emergent for spring weeds
Irrigation: 2 times per week for 15-20 minutes is recommended.

Soil Analysis: Take a soil sample and bring to Green Thumb or Clemson Extension office on Hilton Head for analysis. When results are available, follow recommended instructions for any PH and fertility adjustments.
Apply winterizer such as 0-0-20 or 5-0-20
Irrigation: 2 times per week for 10-15 minutes is recommended.

Applications: Spot treat fungus as it appears throughout winter
Irrigation: 1 time per week for 10-20 minutes is recommended.

Irrigation Note: During the growth season (April-September), typically water the lawn about 1 inch per week (including rainfall). Use a rain gauge to check.

Mowing Note: During the growth season (April-September), now weekly at a height of 2 inches (3 inches for St. Augustine). Remove clippings if grass is tall and if there is an excessive amount of clippings. This will prevent thatch build up which can lead to fungus problems.

To download this schedule click here.